The First Danish-Chinese Quantum Frontier Seminar was successfully held
On the afternoon of October 30, 2020, "The First Danish-Chinese Quantum Frontier Seminar" was successfully held, and it was jointly organized by Innovation Centre Denmark in Shanghai, China and ASEM Cooperation Centre for Science Technology and Innovation (ASEM-CCSTI). The seminar was held in form of an online conference, and participants are from Copenhagen in Denmark, and Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen in China. There are more than 50 professors, experts and scholars attended the meeting from Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), University of Southern Denmark, Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Science, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Southern University of Science and Technology, and Institute of Quantum Information of National University of Defense Technology.

In the opening part of the seminar, Professor Kasper Grove-Rasmussen from Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), and Mr. Sizhen Peng, Science Counselor, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Denmark delivered the welcome speech. Then, Mr. Shilong Zhu, the Secretary-General of ASEM Cooperation Centre for Science Technology and Innovation (ASEM-CCSTI), delivered a speech at the Beijing conference location and introduced the professors, experts and scholars present at the scene in Beijing.

In the academic reports session, four professors of Per Hedegård, Kasper Grove-Rasmussen, David van Zanten, Ferdinand Kuemmeth from Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), Professor Gufei Zhang from University of Southern Denmark, Professor Hongqi Xu from Peking University, Professor Yayu Wang from Tsinghua University, Professor Mingtang Deng from HPCL, Professor Li Lu from Institure of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor Haizhou Lu from Sourthern University of Science and Technology delivered the keynote reports focusing on the latest achievements, academic hotspots, academic trends, development trends and major issues in the frontier fields of quantum science and technology. Finally, a closing speech was delivered by Mr. Thomas Trøst Hansen, Innovation Attache of the Innovation Centre Denmark in Shanghai, China.
The seminar provided a platform for Chinese and Danish researchers working in the quantum field to express their opinions freely and expand their research directions and ideas. Through the reports of those well-known scholars, participants can also understand the trend of future research. This activity also further promoted the exchanges and cooperation in field of quantum academy and related industry between China and Denmark.