In order to stimulate STI dialogue and exchange between Asia and Europe, create innovation cooperation conditions and environment favorable to mutual understanding and joint development, promote S&T exchange and cooperation between Asian-European enterprises, universities, institutes and other organizations, and facilitate extensive and orderly market-oriented transfer of STI results among ASEM members.
For implementing Premier Li's initiative, the first ASEM Seminar on Cooperation in Science, Technology & Innovation for Sustainable Development (the "Seminar") was held at Beijing International Conference Center during April 21-22, 2015. The Seminar was jointly hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), organized by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission (BMSTC), and supported by the ASEF. Mr. Linhao Chen, Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation MOST, Mr. Yan Zhang, Secretary-General of the ASEF, and Mr. Shilong Zhu, Deputy Director of the BMSTC spoke at the Seminar. Delegates from 26 ASEM members had an in-depth discussion about STI cooperation and ASEM–CCSTI establishment proposal, adopted the brief summary of discussion, reaffirmed their support to ASEM–CCSTI, appreciated China’s role in initiating the planning and establishment of ASEM–CCSTI, agreed to set up ASEM–CCSTI in China, and expressed their willingness to build ASEM–CCSTI together. May 2015, ASEM-CCSTI Secretariat was established in Beijing and located in Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission.

1. Target
ASEM Cooperation Centre for Science Technology and Innovation (ASEM-CCSTI) is committed to promoting Scientific-Technological Cooperation among its member states so as to facilitate the extensive and regulated transferring from innovations to commercial appliances.
2. Philosophy
Innovation-driven Development: Innovation is the fundamental driving force of economic development, and it supports the economic and social development of Asia and Europe with scientific and technological innovation cooperation.
Beyond Borders: Promote the integration of different technology fields, cross-regional scientific and technological innovation cooperation; promote the integration of science and technology and capital, and cooperation between innovative institutions.
Openness and Inclusiveness: Establish an open cooperation mechanism, respect the cultural differences of countries, nationalities and regions, and work together to focus on the concerns of all parties.
Common Growth: Promote scientific and technological innovation cooperation between Asia and Europe, Asian countries, and European countries for common development and common profits.
3. Our responsibilities
(1) Deepening pragmatic ASEM STI cooperation by expanding intergovernmental communication, expanding market-oriented cooperation channels, facilitating inter-regional and inter-cluster cooperation, and strengthening IP protection.
(2) Solving shared problems and achieving common prosperity by promoting technology transfer and driving economic growth of developing countries, and encouraging entrepreneurship and industry innovation, creating more jobs.
4. Organizational Structure
The secretariat of the ASEM-CCSTI, as the overall coordination organization, is responsible for guiding and coordinating the liaison offices of various countries to promote the exchange and cooperation of science and technology innovation among member countries.
The Europe Coordinating Office is established in Greece, which is responsible for coordinating the participation of the members of the region in the work of the centre; each member establishes a contact point at the national level.

April 2015 21-22, ASEM Seminar on Cooperation in Science Technology & Innovation for Sustainable Development was held in Beijing International Conference Center, the seminar determined the Asia Europe Cooperation Center for Science Technology and Innovation in Beijing to promote cooperation between Asian and European cities and industrial parks.

The main work responsibilities of the secretariat of the ASEM–CCSTI:
1. Promote and organize related docking and conference activities related to the ASEM–CCSTI.
2. To guide and assist the liaison offices of various countries in promoting practical cooperation in science and technology innovation between governments in Asia and Europe.
3. Formulate the annual work plan of the ASEM–CCSTI.
4. Establish and improve the work system of the ASEM–CCSTI to ensure the daily operation of the Asia-Europe technology innovation cooperation online and offline platforms.
The responsibilities for the national points of contact
1. Excavate the needs for technique cooperation of the enterprises, universities and the research institutes in their own country; organize the relevant activities for skill match-making; provide the relevant follow-up services.
2. Searching for the appropriate cooperative partners for enterprises, institutes in their own country.
3. Establish coordination mechanism with secretariat of ASEM-CCSTI and keep sustainable communication in science and technology cooperation.
The rights and interests for the national points of contact
1. Enjoy the information resources for policies, technical requirements, cooperative partners, service agencies, experts of ASEM.
2. The ASEM office provides support to the national points of contact with marketing development, science and technology cooperation, policy and resources which covered ASEM member states.
The access conditions for the national points of contact
1. The institution or enterprise should have been found at least 2 years with government background or has strong relationship with government. Its major businesses are international technology transfer and international cooperation on science and technology.
2. The institution or enterprise should have at least 5 people team and work on international technology transfer and international cooperation on science and technology.
3. The institution or enterprise should have the abilities that could make relationship with domestic enterprises, universities and research institutes and collect their needs on the business of international cooperation.
4. The institution or enterprise should have settled workplace and equipment to keep the team ongoing running.
ASEM cooperation branch centre for science technology and innovation is dedicated to carry out works including promoting the applications of science and technology achievements, the combinations of innovative businesses and eco-friendly production systems and it also focuses on projects match-making and docking, platform-building, technology transformation and industrial cluster. Branch centre is also scheduled to build up platforms for market resources allocation and is expected to play a leading and radiating role in those advantages fields to spur the integrated applications of innovative achievements and business mode innovations so as to guide the development trend of the symbolic innovative technology. It will also stick to the principle of effective cooperation and collaborative innovation to carry out interdisciplinary research and exploration in high-tech fields and to establish innovative mechanism, to set up platforms for science and technology innovation and service.
We have established the following branch centres for different fields:
- Micro system Center
- Intelligent manufacturing Center
- Advanced Semiconductor Center