Zhang Xiuying
Administrative Committee of Zhongguancun Haidian Science Park
International Management Expert
Zhang Xiuying, She used to be the deputy director of the Administrative Committee of Zhongguancun Haidian Science Park, chief of International Cooperation Division and head of Foreign Affairs Service Center of HSP. She was also the founder of HSP’s International Department and has been head of it for 25 years. Working experience: ZHANG is the only designer who has been engaged in STPs’ shift from international to internet thinking for 10 years, accumulating rich experience for global innovation. She takes the lead in establishing iBridge, a one-stop service platform that combines Web 2.0 technologies into government affairs. The platform has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. Dedicated in her work, her spirit has been widely appraised and won international reputation in the innovation circle. With all those efforts and achievements: She was titled“ Honorary Doctorate of Letters” by IBC in 2013, won “Lifetime Achievement Award” in STP management and innovation from The World Congress of Arts, Sciences and Communications In 2012, and Selected the “international expert on STP management ”by IASP in 2012 (18 experts from 10 countries worldwide),she was elected as an advanced individual on the 20th anniversary of National Science and Technology Program (Torch Program) by Ministry of Science and Technology in 2009

Sang Keun Lee
International Technology Cooperation Division
Mr. Lee is currently the Director of the International Technology Cooperation Division, and in 2012 he held the position of an Executive Director of Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology. In 2004 Mr. Lee served as Director of Information Management Division at the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy). He holds a BA, MBA and Ph.D at the Free University Berlin in Germany.

Robert Havasy
Center for Connected Health (CCH)
Team Lead, Technical Architect
Robert Havasy is the Corporate Team Lead for Product and Technology Development at the Center for Connected Health (CCH), part of the Partners Healthcare System in Boston, Massachusetts. With more than a decade of experience in technology implementation, Mr. Havasy specializes in making communication technologies accessible to patients while integrating them into clinical workflows. At CCH Mr. Havasy leads the team that identifies emerging technology trends, charts the Center’s technology strategy, develops new products supporting the Center’s mission, and integrates the Center’s systems with Partners’ enterprise clinical systems. Prior to joining CCH, Mr. Havasy held a variety if positions in Sales, Marketing, and Services with Enterasys Networks (now Enterasys/Siemens Enterprise Communications), culminating as Service Operations Manager where he had responsibility for Maintenance and Professional Services offerings and for driving global service revenues of over $100 million annually. Mr. Havasy is a member of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, and the Society for Participatory Medicine. He speaks frequently about connected health, mHealth, and other emerging technologies in healthcare.

Sunshine Dong
Prospect Investment( Asia) Co., Ltd.
Managing Director
Research Direction:
Sunshine has more than 20 years of experience in financial service and has successfully raised over USD200 million for many enterprises, managing assets with value of more than RMB 1billion. Sunshine starts hisprofessional career with CQITIC and was promoted to assistant manager and department head respectively.In 1998, he went to Hong Kong to work as Assistant GM of Chongqing Finance Hong Kong Limited. In2000, joined Liberty Mutual Insurance Company as the Chief Representative, Sunshine was responsible for business development, investment coordination and public relations for the group in China. Four years later, he left Liberty and founded Prospect Investments Asia Limited. Since 2009, he has been involved in fund management business.

Tino J. Mantella
Technology Association of Georgia
President and CEO
Tino Mantella joined TAG in September 2004 as the organization's new President and CEO. Since coming to TAG, Mantella has worked with a team of dedicated volunteers and staff to: build a prestigious board made up of 60 technology stakeholders; grown membership by more than 500%; and added a series of programs and services that support TAG’s vision of educating, informing and uniting the technology community. Mantella is a member of the boards of Venture Atlanta Coalition Inc., TAG Education Collaborative, the Midtown Alliance, the Tech College System of Georgia’s Foundation, the Chambers of Commerce in North Fulton and for Georgia, and on the Advisory Board of the Atlanta Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce.

Maria Contursi
Business Development Unit and the Business Innovation Centre of CITTA' DELLA SCIENZA
Maria Contursi, graduated in Economics with honours at the University of Naples Federico II, is expert in development strategy and industrial policy, she has provided consulting, coaching and training services for many local authorities and businesses networks aimed at the promotion of innovation processes, technology transfer and sustainable development. From 2008 to 2011 she was Responsible in the Naples Governmental Municipality for all the activities of the department of development. Since 2007 she has consolidated a strong experience in the internationalization processes of research and businesses in China. She was the Coordinator of the “Sino-Italian Exchange Event”, an innovative exchange platform developed in partnership with the Beijing Association for Science and Technology to promote Italian products, services and innovative skills, especially in the high-tech sectors, towards China.

Luigi Campitelli
Luigi Campitelli (born 1957), graduated in political science and economics, is expert in local economic development, entrepreneurship and innovation. Currently he is Head of unit “Internationalization, Networks & Research &” in Lazio Innova the Lazio Region Agency focused on innovation, finance and local development; Board Member (former director) of Pa.L.Mer., Technology Park in Southern Lazio. From 1997 to 2011, Luigi Campitelli was General Director in BIC Lazio, the Regional network of business Incubators. Between 2007 and 2010Luigi Campitelli chaired the European Association of BICs and previously (2001 and 2007) he was the President of the Association of Italian BIC (BIC Italy). For EBN Luigi is appointed evaluator of the "EU-BIC certification".

Stane Tomc
REMTY-R d.o.o.
Stane Tomc holds a University Diploma in natural science and technology - University of Ljubljana, 1977. Before starting his own business, he worked 7 years for Building and Civil Engineering Institute in Ljubljana on a different projects and areas such as mechanical engineering, research, project designing and application of the results in practice. He was also a leader of laboratory for testing the quality of construction materials and methods. He is a leading Slovenian designer of highly efficient ECO mechanical systems for low-energy and passive houses. He developed his own REGAIN complete comfort system. Mr. Tomc provided idea and designed mechanical solutions and systems for ECO House (one of the biggest European passive house complexes) and conducting of monitoring and quality assurance within European Commission FP7 project EEHighrise.

Brandon Chen
Zijing Houde Business School
Executive Director
Research Direction:
Dr. Chen is the Founder and Executive Dean of Hong Kong Zijing Houde Business School, Co-founder of Hong Kong Entrepreneurs and Executives Club, Council member of Hong Kong Industry-University-Research Collaboration Association, Vice President of Qianhai Dream+ Association, Co-founder of Qianhai Houde Incubator, and Assistant Professor of Marketing at City University of Hong Kong.Dr. Chen is a continuous entrepreneur. Recently he founded Zijing Houde Business School to provide Practical Angel Investor Training program and help local government to build innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem. Dr. Chen is actively building the bridge between overseas and Hong Kong entrepreneurs and investors and the market in Mainland China.

Zhang Min
Business Manager China, International Trade & Investment, Rotterdam Partners
Min Zhang works as a Business Manager China at the department of International Trade & Investment at Rotterdam Partners. Rotterdam Partners is an organization that promotes and facilitates the economic development of the greater Rotterdam region. Min has value added insights and in-depth experiences in facilitating Chinese companies with setting up the companies in the Rotterdam region, advising on business opportunities, helping the Chinese firms to grow in Europe; and the promoting of the Dutch enterprises to expand their market in China. Min’s overall interest and experience lie primarily in the economic development, supply chain management, port strategy, international cooperation, and EU-China relationship. Min has a technical and supply chain background.